I have seen an evil in religion

Religion becomes the whited tomb. Outside looks good, but inside are dead bones. Ritual and doctrines of men become the focus, while hearts are far from God and they have not the Spirit. Religion is the golden calf – they worship the works of their own hands. The leaders have become proud boaster fleecing the […]

America in the Bible

It’s well know that America follows a model set by Rome. The comparison has been made many times. In addition to it’s political and social similarities, there are also lineage ties. America is an extension of European people. Europe and it’s people were the center of Rome. The Roman church still headquarters there. So what’s […]

Christianity Does Not Save

Who saves? Christ. Christianity is, in its most basic sincere application, a representative of the Bible and teachings of Christ. OK, good up to that point. Now the problems… Jesus taught us to avoid religion. Yes it’s true. When people fall into religious tradition and ritual, they lose sincerity and conviction. As it’s written, Woe […]

His Word is Beauty and Power

The Bible is deep and rich, a treasure to be explored.It is our manual for life and final measure.A light to guild and a sure foundation.Feast and fill yourself. Grow in strength, wisdom, and faith.God bless your journey to learn His Word and live in the Spirit.