America Tears Itself Apart

Explore the thought-provoking article 'America Tears Itself Apart' on, which delves into the current socio-political landscape of the United States. Analyze the factors contributing to division and unrest, and gain insights into the implications for the future. Join the conversation on the challenges facing America today.
America Tears Itself Apart
The Rising Internal Pressures in America

The internal pressures are building in America to the point where the binding forces can no longer contain general social unity. Tears are appearing in the fabric of the nation, and without a unified effort, critical social components will fail.

Racial Tensions and Social Inequality

Racial tensions are at a boiling point, exacerbated by police brutality and a justice system that often fails to hold those in power accountable. Many marginalized communities are disproportionately affected by the pandemic, further highlighting the inequalities that exist in healthcare, education, and the economy.

Political Polarization

Politically, there is a Grand Canyon-sized divide between the two main political parties. As a result, each side retreats into its own echo chambers, demonizing the other and refusing to engage in meaningful dialogue. The two parties spend more effort fighting each other, that they don’t fulfill the task they were elected for – leading the country. 

The Influence of Corporations

In general, not all, the elected politicians and their parties are bed partners with corporations because they hold the wealth. The citizens who elect these politicians often get the short end of the stick. There are discussions about introducing term limits to stop career politicians from gaming the system.

The Trump Presidency and Its Consequences

Donald Trump highlighted these problems and presented himself as one who would drain the swamp. However, more than just a mobster-type figure, his inner authoritarian tendencies are now showing. His presidency has only made these fault lines more visible and urgent to address. His words and actions are tearing at the seams of what has kept America together for centuries—the Constitution, the rule of law, and the ideals of democracy.

The Age of Disinformation

The abundance of information available has made it increasingly difficult to distinguish fact from fiction, allowing misinformation and conspiracy theories to run rampant. The age of information has become the age of disinformation, driven by social media and digital bots. Unfriendly foreign actors seek to not only influence American politics but also to undermine faith in democracy as a whole. They exploit these divisions, sowing chaos and discord to weaken America’s global standing. Their ultimate goal is to weaken America, paving the way for their own rise to power.

The Role of Social Media

The enemies of America use social media to fan the flames of dissent and distrust, promoting division. This has resulted in growing resentment among many Americans, who feel that the system is rigged against them. The working class and middle class have been left behind as the elite hoard their wealth and power at the expense of the rest of society. This has allowed them to shape policies and laws in their favor, further entrenching their power. Money has become a god, and those with the most are the priests and wizards.

A Crossroads for America

Regardless of one’s beliefs, it’s clear that America is at a crossroads, and the decisions made in the coming years will determine its future. Because there is a God in heaven who is the Creator and Master of all things, who rewards the righteous and judges the evil, America is facing its judgment day.

The Need for Sincere Faith

America’s religion has failed. It’s time for sincere faith and godliness. The corruption of Christianity and religion will be exposed. The Creator seeks sincerity and heartfelt respect. Enough of the religious robes of seemingly external righteousness; purify your heart and seek the Almighty in conviction.

A Wake-Up Call

If God has sent Trump, rest assured, it’s not for a blessing. It is a wake-up call to all Americans that the status quo is unsustainable and that change is necessary. Without a sincere and heartfelt return to the Creator, it will be too late for America to change the dark chapter ahead. America will tear itself apart while the world watches in awe.

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